My code is not working or MATLAB is not responding?

25 views (last 30 days)
I'm currently working on designing a dynamic interface, which necessitates taking a cell array input from the user.
I've encountered an unexpected behavior while attempting this in MATLAB. Instead of storing the cell array in the workspace, the input statement appears multiple times in the command window.
Even when providing a normal numeric array like 1 2 3 4 5, it fails to work as expected. surprisingly, there are no visible warnings or errors, leaving me uncertain whether there's an issue with my code or if MATLAB itself is hanging.
Looking forward for assistance in resolving this issue
Josef Laura
Josef Laura on 8 May 2024
Edited: Josef Laura on 8 May 2024
My code is nearly 1200 lines but the execution is being stopped here
prompt = "Please enter your Name, ID , Age : "; Details = input(prompt);

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Accepted Answer

Pavan Sahith
Pavan Sahith on 8 May 2024
Edited: Pavan Sahith on 8 May 2024
It seems you're encountering an issue while collecting user input through MATLAB.
If you're seeing only the prompt “Please enter your Name, ID , Age :“in the command window and the execution appears to pause there, the problem likely lies in how you're providing input to the ' input ' function.
When prompted with “Please enter your Name, ID , Age :“, ensure you input the array in a format that MATLAB can interpret. This means enclosing elements within square brackets [ ] and separating them with commas or spaces.
If you're aiming to gather heterogeneous data from the user, the input should be in the form of a cell array, meaning the user should encapsulate their input within curly braces, like so:
{'james' 'S34R21' 43}
Additionally, if you're testing your code with numeric arrays, make sure to enclose the elements within square brackets [ ] and separate them with commas or spaces, like this:
[1 2 3 4 5]
You can refer to following MathWorks documentation to know more about ' input '
I hope this will help you resolving the issue.

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