- In this example, custom code is used to generate a turn-off condition for the ePWM block. The One-Shot Trip (OST) event is triggered from the software by setting the OST bit of the TZFRC (Trip Zone Force Register) corresponding to ePWM4.
- The custom code utilizes the ‘System Outputs’ block, which is located under ‘c28069pfchvkit’ -> ‘PFC Control’ -> ‘Scaling’ -> ‘OverVoltage Protection’ -> ‘OverVoltage Protection’.
- The ‘Trip Zone unit’ of the ‘ePWM4’ block is configured to set the output PWM to ‘Low’ when the corresponding One-Shot event is triggered. The ‘ePWM4’ block can be found under ‘c28069pfchvkit’ -> ‘PFC Control’ -> ‘PWM Driver’ -> ‘Codegen’ -> ‘ePWM4A’.
Stoping epwm after one period via one-shot trip
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I am trying to stop my epwm via one-shot trip. I am using c2000 microcontoller blockset and launchpad-F280049C. I set up the epwm using the F28004x family epwm module. I have set up the one trip-shot as intructed in the TRM. I have routed GPIO 12 through input xbar 1 to do the tripping as shown in the screenshot.
Can you please advise how to achieve stopping the epw after one period (I use up-down counter for the epwm)? Do I need further sttings for the GPIO12? The purpose of my setup is to do a test within just one period and the epwm must stop.
Answers (1)
Shivam Lahoti
on 16 Sep 2024
I understand you want to disable the ePWM after a trip event. The Trip Zone settings of the ePWM block can be configured to set the PWM output to the desired value when triggered by a Trip Zone event. These settings can be adjusted in the ‘Trip Zone unit’ tab under ‘Block Parameters’ of the ePWM block.
Additionally, you can refer to the example ‘Power Factor Correction Using Boost Converter,’ which uses custom code to generate a Trip Zone event for ePWM:
I hope this helps you resolve the issue.
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