Your Gii is pretty small.
Your Gff_D3 is pretty small.
Multiply the two together and you get a value small enough that it is smaller than realmin Your integral comes out as 0.
del_0_S = Q(40493532) / Q(10)^7;
Energy_S = -1/(2*n_star_S^2);
l_s = Q(0); l_d = Q(2); s = Q(1/100);
W_i=((whittakerW(n_star_S, l_s+0.5,(2.*(r))./(n_star_S))));
del_0_D3 = Q(247545) / Q(10)^5;
n_star_D3(i) = n_D3(i)-del_0_D3;
Energy_D3(i) = (-1/(2*n_star_D3(i)^2));
W_f_D3(i) = (whittakerW(n_star_D3(i), l_d+0.5,(2.*(r))./(n_star_D3(i))));
Gff_D3(i) = (W_f_D3(i)./((sqrt(n_star_D3(i).^2.*gamma(n_star_D3(i)+l_d+1).*gamma(n_star_D3(i)-l_d)))));
fun_S_D3(i) = (((r).^2).*Gii.*Gff_D3(i));
r_min_S_D3(i) = (s*n_S*n_D3(i)/((n_D3(i)+n_S)));