How to read lines from cell
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this time I'm trying to process data from a .txt file.
my goal is to extrat the information at specific lines.
I load my file
temp3 = regexp(fileread('DT_Diagra_ScanTool_DT62234_T0410_SHAP_001.txt'), '\r?\n', 'split')';
I got a 680x1 cell
I made and index to find the line in whic is the value I wnat.
idc = strfind(temp3,'PID 01');
idx = ~cellfun('isempty',idc);
is there any way to get all the '0' and '1' in that row?
after that I will also need to get the next 4 lines below and end up getting below values
0000 0000
0000 0111
1110 0101
1110 0101
as always any feedback will be high appreciated
on 6 Jul 2024
As always, attach a sample text file itself...more than likely you can read the file directly avoiding the cells, but without the file to work with, we're shooting in the dark...
Accepted Answer
on 8 Jul 2024
S = readlines('T04102.txt');
X = find(startsWith(S,'PID 01'));
F = @(x) regexp(S(x:x+3),'[01]{4}\s+[01]{4}','once','match');
C = arrayfun(F,X, 'uni',0);
More Answers (1)
Matlab Pro
on 7 Jul 2024
Hi @A-Rod
Anyhow -I have imitated your data:
Look at the solution below
I assume that temp3 is a cellarray
I have used "contains" function instead of "strfind"
The rest - extract relevant data
% Imitating the READ output of the file
temp3 = repmat({''}, 680,1);
temp3{215} = 'PID 01000 000MIL on; fault code entries';
temp3{216} = '0000 0100';
temp3{217} = '0000 0000';
temp3{218} = '0000 0000Monitor status since DTCs cleared';
% Extracting data
idx = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) contains(x, 'PID 01'),temp3,'uni',0));
i1 = find(idx);
for iLine = 0:3
re = regexp(temp3{i1+iLine},'\d+\s+\d+','match');
line1 = re{1}; % get all the '0' and '1' in that row
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