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Read a userid file and search for userid.json in directory and then search json file

46 views (last 30 days)
I know what I need to do, just having a hard to getting it going.
I have this userid.txt file that contains the only user files that I want to consider. If the userid say, 1821407, matches a json file within the directory, for example 1821407.json (all json files have this format), I want to check in the file for some data. I'm thinking I can do the search within the json file part. How do I use Matlab to perform the userid comparison within the directory?

Accepted Answer

Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus on 10 Jul 2024 at 14:08
I suspect you want to use the dir command to get a list of files in the directory, remove ".json" from the end of the file names, then search that list for your target user IDs.
Something like this perhaps:
userIDs = readmatrix('userids.txt');
jsonFiles = dir('*.json');
jsonFileNames = string({});
jsonFileUserIDs = extractBefore({},".json");
fileExistsForUserID = ismember(string(userIDs), jsonFileUserIDs);
filesWithUserIDInList = ismember(jsonFileUserIDs, string(userIDs));
jsonFilesFromList = jsonFileNames(filesWithUserIDInList);
for f = 1:numel(jsonFilesFromList)
fileName = jsonFilesFromList(f);
data = readstruct(fileName);
% Do whatever you want with the data here.
  1 Comment
Sunshine on 15 Jul 2024 at 15:10
Thank you for your insight. I was able to take this code and pull out json info. Your help is very much appreciated.

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More Answers (1)

VINAYAK LUHA on 10 Jul 2024 at 13:50
Edited: VINAYAK LUHA on 12 Jul 2024 at 10:00
Hi Sunshine,
To find the .JSON files with filenames same as the ones in your "userids.txt" file, you may use the MATLAB "textscan" function as follows -
fileID = fopen('userids.txt', 'r');
userIDs = textscan(fileID, '%s');
userIDs = userIDs{1};
% Find uniqueUserIds since some userIds in your list are repeated eg. -226340
uniqueUserIDs = unique(userIDs);
jsonFiles = dir('*.json');
for i = 1:length(uniqueUserIDs)
userID = uniqueUserIDs{i};
jsonFileName = strcat(userID, '.json');
if ismember(jsonFileName, {})
fprintf('File %s found.\n', jsonFileName);
fprintf('File %s not found.\n', jsonFileName);
Further, to search within the .JSON files, you can use the MATLAB "fileread" and "jsondecode" functions, For more details refer to the following documentations -
  1. textscan -
  2. fileread-
  3. jsondecode-
Hope this helps.
VINAYAK LUHA on 12 Jul 2024 at 9:59
Hi Sunshine,
You can replace the "userIDs" array with the "uniqueUserIDs" array within the loop in the code.
I have also updated my code to reflect this change.
Sunshine on 15 Jul 2024 at 15:09
Thank you. The update does uniquely identify json file names that are within my userid file. I appreciate your assistance.

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