Saving figures with transparent patches / objects - figure background turning black

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I have an issue trying to print (or save using export_fig etc.) a plot that has some transparent patches - these are histogram bars and the transparency has been set using 'facealpha' for example
When coming to print/save this figure, in the final saved figure the background colour is black. I've tried both the print and export_fig function to print to png but I can't get around this issue. Any ideas? Thanks.

Answers (1)

Christiaan on 29 Apr 2015
Edited: Christiaan on 29 Apr 2015
Dear Sir/Madame,
Please try the following example. It makes an 3D plot, makes it transparant and saves it as a png.
clc;clear all;close all;
[x,y] = meshgrid([-2:.2:2]);
z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);
If you have plotted this figure, you can go in the figure GUI to edit-> copy figure. Now, if you paste this in a text programm (i.e. Word) you obtain a transperant figure also in Word.
Good luck! Christiaan
  1 Comment
Initial Conditions
Initial Conditions on 29 Apr 2015
Hi Christiaan,
The plot looks fine in Matlab, but when I open the png file I get the same problem - a totally black figure. Your suggestion will help me get round this problem manually, but I was looking for a fix where I don't have to use the GUI.
Just out of interest, if you open plot.png outside of Matlab, do you get the same result as me - a totally black figure?

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