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Willian on 27 Jul 2024
Edited: dpb on 28 Jul 2024
Good afternoon,
How could I create a graph with multiple y-axes: Millitm, PIT, TIT, PD, FIT
T2022_1 = readtable('data.csv', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve');
MyDateTime = T2022_1.Date + T2022_1.Time;
MyDateTime.Format = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss';
T2022_2 = [T2022_1(:,1) table(MyDateTime) T2022_1(:,[3:end])];
plot(T2022_2.MyDateTime, T2022_2.('PIT'), '-k', 'LineWidth',1, 'DisplayName', 'Pressure Separador')
grid on
xlabel('Date & Time')
ylabel('Pressure - Psig')
lgd = legend;
lgd.NumColumns = 1;
Similar like this plot
for the help, thank you in advance
Umar on 28 Jul 2024
Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding mobile formatting. I understand that writing code on a phone can be challenging, especially for those who are not accustomed to it. Your perspective as someone who primarily uses a phone for communication is valuable and help me consider different user experiences.
dpb on 28 Jul 2024
Edited: dpb on 28 Jul 2024
" Your perspective as someone who primarily uses a phone for communication ..."
More accurately, that is "as someone who uses a phone for only communication (and even then reluctantly)..." :)
In my former life I was 25+ years a single consultant tied to always having to be available. When I returned to the family farm and gave up the consulting gig, one prime life objective was to not be tied to a pager or other means of being at another's beck and call. The phone mostly resides on the buffet in the dining room unless I do on (the fairly rare) occasion have something for which I do want to stay in touch. But, that's just me and I recognize that any more that is an anachronism.
I had really noticed what seemed to me to be a marked decline in the percentage of postings in which code was being formatted but had never thought to tie that to the increasing use of mobile devices. I do think if this is the root or major cause (and given Walter's description of doing so I can see why almost nobody would/does) then Mathworks needs to seriously consider the user intrface for those devices to try to make it less cumbersome. Having essentially no experience in the area, I'm certainly in no position to indicate how they are to do that, but it does seem to be an issue that hampers the functionality of the forum for all, not just mobile users.
"as someone who uses a phone for only communication ..."
I stand corrected. I do find the camera of value to take pictures of equipment as disassembling for repair, etc., and in the same arena the flashlight can be helpful in dark crannies as well...

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Accepted Answer

Willian on 28 Jul 2024
Edited: Walter Roberson on 28 Jul 2024
Tks you for answers, I see that to create the plot with 4 or more y-axes requires time with the indicated functions.

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