- Referenced Model Settings: Ensure that the referenced model is correctly configured for your hardware.
- Open Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters > Solvers and verify that the Solver options are appropriate for your target hardware.
- Code Generation Settings: Verify that the code generation settings in the Configuration Parameters are properly configured for the target hardware
- Check the model configurations for STM Nucleo boards at the following documentation https://www.mathworks.com/help/rtw/nucleo/ref/hardware-implementation-pane-2.html
Unable to update models referenced by... Error
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Hi guys,
I built a discrete lilter in which I wanted to perform a Processor-in-the Loop (PiL) Simulation. I converted the filter into a subsystem and saved it into an extra file. Then I made the subsystem atomic and converted it into a referenced model by clicking Convert which is on the Model Block tab. Afterwards I configured the referenced model to my hardware. I use the STM32 Nucleo L476RG. Further I select the the SIL/PIL only Mode on the SIL/PIL Manager and tried to run the model.

Above is the error I get.

And here is the discrete filter I used which I've saved it into a separate file.
Honestly I don't quite get this error and I don't know how to fix it. Does anybody here has a decent solution?
Answers (1)
Samay Sagar
on 22 Aug 2024
Hi Radavid,
I see that you are encountering issues while attempting to run a Processor-in-the-Loop (PiL) simulation for a discrete filter on an STM32 Nucleo L476RG, after converting the filter to a referenced model.
Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:
1.Check Model Configuration:
2. Try building the referenced model separately to see if any specific errors occur during the build process. This can help isolate whether the issue is with the model itself or with the integration into the larger model.
3. Consider creating a model for the filter instead of converting an atomic subsystem to model.
For more information about integrations with STM Nucleo boards, you can refer the following documentation:
Hope this helps!
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