MATLAB provides the ‘gamultiobj’ function, which is part of the Global Optimization Toolbox, to perform multi-objective optimization using genetic algorithms. This function can be adapted for reinforcement learning tasks by defining a objective function that captures multiple objectives. Below is an example workflow demonstrating how to achieve your goals using the ‘gamultiobj’ function:
Step 1: Define Objective Functions
Create a MATLAB function to define multiple objectives. For instance, minimizing a quadratic function and a sine function:
function f = objectiveFunctions(x)
f2 = sin(x(1)) + cos(x(2));
Step 2: Set up and Run ‘gamultiobj’
Utilize the ‘gamultiobj’ function to find the Pareto front:
options = optimoptions('gamultiobj', ...
'PlotFcn', @gaplotpareto, ...
[x, fval] = gamultiobj(@objectiveFunctions, nvars, [], [], [], [], lb, ub, options);
disp('Pareto-optimal points:');
disp('Objective function values at Pareto-optimal points:');
Step 3: Visualize Results
The ‘gamultiobj’ function automatically plots the Pareto front, helping you visualize the trade-offs between different objectives.
For further information on the ‘gamultiobj’ function and its implementation, please refer to the following documentation:
Hope this helps!