Linux MWArray.dll failed to Initialized

6 views (last 30 days)
I have developed a .NET app in which I used some matlab functions that I wrote and compiled with Matlab R2023b .NET assembly compiler.
I installed MATLAB runtime (the file name that I downloaded was: MATLAB_Runtime_R2023b_Update_9_glnxa64) on my PC which runs Debian . but library test error.
Error Message:
System.Exception : MWArray assembly failed to be initialized
----> System.Exception : The MATLAB Runtime instance could not be initialized
----> System.ApplicationException : The MATLAB Runtime instance could not be initialized
Error initializing MATLAB Runtime: Application not supported on glnxa64 due to platform dependencies. Intended platforms include: win64,. For more information, please contact the application author.
where do I find the location of the MWArray.dll for glnxa64. the toolbox folder doesn't have 'dotnetbuilder' in linux.

Answers (1)

Swastik Sarkar
Swastik Sarkar on 29 Aug 2024
Edited: Swastik Sarkar on 29 Aug 2024
It appears that the .NET application was compiled on Windows and is being executed on a Linux system, resulting in the error Application not supported on glnxa64. To resolve this issue, the application must be compiled directly on a Linux system to ensure compatibility.
For guidance on compiling a .NET application on Linux, please refer to this example:
Hope this helps.

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