Looping string array into parsed timestamp
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I have the following data that I would like to parse into hours:minutes:secs to plot against other data.
Here is my code that is causing issues with the indexing.
TS = ["085423","085428","085431","085502"];
TS = TS';
for i = 1:length(TS)
timestr = TS(i);
hours = timestr(1:2);
minutes = timestr(3:4);
secs = timestr(5:6);
formatted_time_str = [hours, ':', minutes, ':', secs];
Any insight is appreciated. Thank you.
Accepted Answer
on 17 Sep 2024
Edited: Stephen23
on 17 Sep 2024
"... that is causing issues with the indexing."
Because you are mixing up indexing into string arrays with the characters contained within them. Not the same things at all: indexing into a string array indexes into the string array, not into the characters it contains (as you incorrectly assumed).
TS = ["085423","085428","085431","085502"]
Method one: returns a string array:
FS = extractBefore(TS(:),3)+":"+extractBetween(TS(:),3,4)+":"+extractAfter(TS(:),4)
Method two: returns a char matrix:
FS = repmat(':',numel(TS),8);
FS(:,[1:2,4:5,7:8]) = char(TS(:))
on 18 Sep 2024
"In trying to plot the FS data (timestamp) against numerical data I get an error message:"
If you are trying to plot with this data, then you are likely much better of using DURATION objects rather than fiddling around with text or numerics:
TS = ["085423";"085428";"085431";"085502"];
H = str2double(extractBefore(TS(:),3));
M = str2double(extractBetween(TS(:),3,4));
S = str2double(extractAfter(TS(:),4));
D = duration(H,M,S)
Y = rand(size(D));
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See Also
Find more on Characters and Strings in Help Center and File Exchange
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