Element wise operation with own function without loops

36 views (last 30 days)
Hello! What is the syntax to do element wise operation with own function? Say, I have matrix A=magic(5) and function myFun(x). And need to do
for i=1:size(A,1)
for j=1:size(A,2)
How to avoid looping?
And one more question. I have an array F or 10 different matrices f1, f2... f10 and my function
function y = Q( f,h,g )
How can I apply this function to each matrix of this array simultaneously and without loops?

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 7 May 2015
First question, use arrayfun:
A2 = arrayfun(@myfunc, A);
Second question, assuming your 10 different matrices are held in cell array F, use cellfun:
h = ??? %something
g = ??? %something else
F2 = cellfun(@(f) Q(f, h, g), F, 'UniformOutput', false); %assuming that Q returns non-scalar.

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