Strange Error in MATLAB hdl coder

1 view (last 30 days)
Rangeet Mitra
Rangeet Mitra on 7 May 2015
Answered: Chandresh Vora on 7 May 2015
I am running fixed point conversion stage of the code generation for my m-file.
However I am getting error
"Error During Code Generation" in forcePushIntoCloud.m; a file that I never created.
I am attaching a screenshot.
Can anybody throw some light on this strange phenomena?

Answers (1)

Chandresh Vora
Chandresh Vora on 7 May 2015
This is masking the actual error which you may be able to see in the "Build Log". Click on the drop-down arrow next to the "Build Errors" tab and select "Build Log".


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