VideoWriter cannot generate a playable video file.

18 views (last 30 days)
I just got some trouble while using the function VideoWriter to generate a video. I'm trying to use the sample code in the function document, as below.
A = rand(300);
v = VideoWriter("newfile.avi");
These lines can run without any error message, and a video file is created. However, the created video file cannot be played by windows media player.
In fact, I had used this function on another computer and it works well. Is the function VideoWriter or any related function environment-dependent? The computer where I got problem is run on windows 11, and I'm using Matlab 2023b.
Thanks for any help.
Xiangyan An
Xiangyan An on 27 Sep 2024
Moreover, I just checked play the file through another player (VLC). It can be played correctly through VLC. However, I want to insert the video file into a .pptx file. The video is still not able to be played in the .pptx file. It seems that there are indeed some issues with this video file。
Xiangyan An
Xiangyan An on 27 Sep 2024
BTW, the error when trying to play it through windows media player is 0xC00D6D60.

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Accepted Answer

Karanjot on 30 Sep 2024
Although, this seems to be an issue with Windows media player instead of the video file. I can suggest a potential workaround to resolve the issue:
Try modiying the 'profile' attribute of the VideoWriter object. Switching to the MPEG-4 profile often resolves compatibility issues.
To know more about this refer to the Input Arguments section in the below linked documentation:
I hope this helps!

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