Error:Invalid workspace variable specified as workspace input in 'HW02_2024​_SimulinkM​odel/From Workspace'. Time values must be non-decreasing.

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Error:Invalid workspace variable specified as workspace input in 'HW02_2024_SimulinkModel/From Workspace'. Time values must be non-decreasing. I am importing a array having values of vel and time the matriz i am importing is of [6001x2] double type.

Answers (1)

Himanshu on 29 Sep 2024
Hi Parth,
The 'From Workspace' block requires the input data to be in a certain format, such as in a timeseries format. Additionally, the time values must be of the double data type and should increase monotonically, as they are used during simulation time. For more details on this block, please refer to the following documentation link:
  1 Comment
Parth Bipin
Parth Bipin on 29 Sep 2024
Hey Himanshu Thanks for your help but now my model is given
Error:An error occurred during simulation and the simulation was terminated
Caused by:
Derivative of state '1' in block 'HW02_2024_SimulinkModel/VD model/velocity' at time 64.05749999999999 is not finite. The simulation will be stopped. There may be a singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error tolerances)
at my integrator block.

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