- meshgrid:https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/meshgrid.html
- griddata: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/griddata.html
- surf: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/surf.html
Reciprocal Space map data plotting with matlab
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Hi I am having difficulty in plotting the surface plot like following picture. the XRD data file in attchemnt (4.2nm_RSM_1D_slit_1mm_B.txt ) This plots usually known as surface reciprical space maps.
Can someone plese help me in this context? Thank you inadvance!
Accepted Answer
on 10 Oct 2024
As per my understanding, you want a surface plot for which data is contained in a .TXT file.
Based on the information provided in the XRD data file, it appears that the file contains three columns corresponding to the reciprocal space coordinates (Q_x), (Q_z), and the intensity. To create a surface reciprocal space map, you'll need to read the data, organize it into a grid, and then plot it. You can use the “meshgrid”, “griddata” function to prepare the data and “surf” function of MATLAB to plot the data.
Kindly refer to the code below for implementation details:
% Data Loading
filename = '4.2nm_RSM_1D_slit_1mm_B.txt';
data = readmatrix(filename, 'FileType', 'text', 'CommentStyle', '#');
Qx = data(:, 1);
Qz = data(:, 2);
intensity = data(:, 3);
% Create meshgrid
[QxGrid, QzGrid] = meshgrid(unique(Qx), unique(Qz));
% Reshape intensity to match the grid
intensityGrid = griddata(Qx, Qz, intensity, QxGrid, QzGrid, 'linear');
% Plotting the data
surf(QxGrid, QzGrid, intensityGrid, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
title('Surface Reciprocal Space Map');
Kindly refer to the documentation links for better understanding of the functions used:
I hope this will help!
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