Multichannel signal filter with multichannel impulse response (efficiently)
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Filter 16-channel audio files with corresponding 16-channel impulse response (IR) data (obtained using MATLAB IR measurer app and stored as .mat file in the default format) efficiently. Each channel is filtered independently by one IR only, on a 1-1 (...16-16) basis.
Running this in a nested loop works, but is relatively slow for filtering lots of audio files. Simple example:
% load impulse responses (format is according to MATLAB app output)
% get audio render filenames (filepath variable is the system path to the
% input audio files)
filelist = string({dir(fullfile(filepath ,"*.wav")).name}.');
% loop over files and filter with each IR
for ii = length(filelist):-1:1
filename = filelist(ii);
[inAudio, sampleRate] = audioread(filename);
% loop over channels
for jj = size(inAudio, 2):-1:1
filtAudio(:, jj) = filter(measurementData.ImpulseResponse(jj).Amplitude,...
1, inAudio(:, jj), [], 1);
% the filtered audio is then further processed and written to file on
% each loop iteration
Perhaps this could be done more efficiently using a dsp.frequencydomainfirfilter-system-object? But that seems to want to filter each input channel with every filter, which is not what is needed here.
Perhaps there is another, more efficient approach using filtering, that does not involve resorting to matrix convolution?
on 23 Oct 2024
Hi @Michael
Can you share "measured_ir_data.mat" and ".wav" file for reporducing the time delay so that I can reproduce the time delay and explore a more efficient approach?
Accepted Answer
on 23 Oct 2024
Hi Michael,
Staritng in R2023B, dsp.FrequencyDomainFilter now supports speciying multiple filters. you can leverage that ability to perform what you want. You should see very significant speedups for long impulse responses. For example, we can revisit your code:
% Generate some dummy impulse responses
numChans = 16;
Fs = 48e3;
IRLen = round(5*Fs); % 5 seconds - in samples
dummyIR = randn(IRLen, numChans)/10.*exp(-1e-4.*linspace(0, IRLen - 1/Fs, IRLen).');
% This is arbitrary, just to indicate the quantity of files involved
numFiles = 2;
audioLen = round(25*Fs); % 25 sec - in samples
filtAudio = zeros(audioLen,numChans,numFiles); % results go here
% generate some dummy audio data on each loop iteration
dummyDataAll = randn(audioLen, numChans,numFiles)/10;
% loop over files and filter with each IR
for ii = numFiles:-1:1
dummyData = dummyDataAll(:,:,ii);
% loop over channels
for jj = size(dummyData, 2):-1:1
filtAudio(:, jj,ii) = filter(dummyIR(:, jj),...
1, dummyData(:, jj), [], 1);
t1 = toc % on my machine, 268.7142 seconds
Now do the same, but with dsp.FrequencyDomainFilter.
filtAudio2 = zeros(audioLen,numChans,numFiles);
f = dsp.FrequencyDomainFIRFilter(Numerator = dummyIR.',NumPaths=1,SumFilteredOutputs=false);
% loop over files and filter with each IR
for ii = numFiles:-1:1
dummyData = dummyDataAll(:,:,ii);
filtAudio2(:,:,ii) = squeeze(f(dummyData));
t2 = toc % on my machine, 2.8056 sec
On my machine, I see a 95X speed-up.
When comparing results, account for latency caused by overlap-add of the freuqncy-domain filter. You can control latency by using PartitionForReducedLatency on the object. Partioning will reduce latency at the expense of computational speed. Padding your signals with zeros should allow we to get the entire response while using dsp.FrequencyDomainFIRFilter
% Compare results. Account for latency.
f1 = filtAudio(1:end-f.Latency,:,:);
f2 = filtAudio2(f.Latency+1:end,:,:);
norm(f1(:)-f2(:)) % 1.3176e-11 (good)
If you are working with files on disk, please note that you can simoplify your code and get more speedups by using audioDatastore. Datastores allow you to convientely point to multiple files and process them in parallel if you have access to Parallel Processing Toolbox.
For example, on my machine, I assume I have 20 files uder a subfolder named myfiles:
% Create the datastore
ads = audioDatastore(fullfile(pwd,"myfiles"));
% Create a transform datastore that applies filtering after reading data
% from file:
fds = transform(ads,@(x)myFilter(x,f));
% Process al the files
Y1 = readall(fds,UseParallel=false);
toc % on my machine, 18.35 s
Y1 = reshape(Y1,[],numChans,numel(ads.Files));
% Now use parallel processin toolbox to read in parallel on different CPU
% workers on your machine
Y2 = readall(fds,UseParallel=true);
toc % on my machine, 9.8 s
% Results have been concatenated into one big matrix. Reshape and compare.
Y2 = reshape(Y2,[],numChans,numel(ads.Files));
function y = myFilter(x,f)
y = squeeze(f(x));
on 24 Oct 2024
Edited: jibrahim
on 24 Oct 2024
Hi Paul,
dsp.FrequencyDomainFilter performs filtering in the frequency domain using fft-based overlap-add. As the filter length increases, fft becomes much faster than perfoming the filtering in the time domain, which is what the filter function does. The filters in this code are a few seconds long, so hundreds of thousands of samples, which explains the great difference in speed.
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