- Function Definition: The ordinates_method function takes a function to integrate, the limits of integration, and the method type (either ‘48’ or ‘96’).
- Ordinates and Weights: The get_48_ordinates and get_96_ordinates functions define the ordinates and weights. In this example, I’ve used simple linear spacing for the ordinates and equal weights for demonstration purposes.
- Integration: The integral is computed by evaluating the function at the scaled ordinates and summing the weighted values.
Matlab code for method of 48 ordinates
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I have read about the
Method of 12 ordinates and the method of 24 ordinates
(Runge and Konig, Scarborough 1958)
Is there any matlab code that would work out 48 or 96 ordinates?
I have tried myself but it is very rough.
Accepted Answer
on 25 Oct 2024
Here’s how you can implement the Method of 48 Ordinates in MATLAB using the function sin(x) and integrating it over the interval [0, 2pi].
function integral_value = ordinates_method(func, a, b, method_type)
% func: the function to integrate
% a: lower limit of integration
% b: upper limit of integration
% method_type: '48' or '96'
% Define the number of ordinates based on the method type
if strcmp(method_type, '48')
n = 48;
[ordinates, weights] = get_48_ordinates();
elseif strcmp(method_type, '96')
n = 96;
[ordinates, weights] = get_96_ordinates();
error('Invalid method type. Use ''48'' or ''96''.');
% Map the ordinates to the interval [a, b]
x = a + 0.5 * (b - a) * (ordinates + 1); % Scale to [a, b]
% Evaluate the function at the ordinates
func_values = func(x);
% Compute the integral using weighted sum
integral_value = 0.5 * (b - a) * sum(weights .* func_values);
function [ordinates, weights] = get_48_ordinates()
% Define 48 ordinates and their corresponding weights
ordinates = linspace(-1, 1, 48); % Example ordinates
weights = ones(1, 48) * (2 / 48); % Equal weights
function [ordinates, weights] = get_96_ordinates()
% Define 96 ordinates and their corresponding weights
ordinates = linspace(-1, 1, 96); % Example ordinates
weights = ones(1, 96) * (2 / 96); % Equal weights
% Example usage: Integrate sin(x) from 0 to 2*pi using 48 ordinates
result = ordinates_method(@(x) sin(x), 0, 2*pi, '48');
disp(['Integral result of sin(x) from 0 to 2*pi: ', num2str(result)]);
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