As per my understanding, you have completed tasks 1-4 of Power Systems Simulation Onramp successfully, but not able to complete task-5, even after following all the instructions carefully.
I also encountered same issue, but resolved it in the following way:
- The block "Wye-Connected Load" is to be configured as a "series RL" load.
- But, by default, it also models stray capacitance. You can verify this by going to the "Parasitics" drop-down found in the "block parameters" of "Wye-Connected Load". You can see that "Parasitic Parallel Conductance" is set to its default value of 1e-6.
- Change the "Parasitic Parallel Conductance" to the value of "0" as shown below:
After making the above change, submit the task-5 by clicking "submit" button. You will see that your test is now passed as shown below:
I hope you find this useful !!