As per my understanding, you are trying to figure out why the displacement “S” of (S = 0.0045/10) causes the maximum flow rate in the positive displacement path, instead of S being 0.0045. (S = 0.0045).
To clarify the above confusion, let us first understand the relation between the opening area of orifice (“
”) and the flow rate. The flow rate is directly proportional to “
”. Due to displacement of spool in either direction, say positive direction, the "
” increases and it increases the flow-rate in “P-A” path. But due to positive displacement of the spool, the “
” for “P-T” path reduces and so the flowrate in the ”P-T” path reduces. Now moving ahead with the question: “What is the relation between the spool displacement (S) and A_orifice for both the paths “P-A” and “P-T” ?
Refer to the below paragraph, taken from the documentation of “3-way directional valve (IL)” block:
Considering the parameters you have entered for the Valve parameterizations
The equation of A_orifice for path “P-A” is :
And the equation of A_orifice for path “P-T” is :
To visualise them graphically, right click on the block “3-way directional valve (IL)” select Fluids > Plot Valve Characteristics. The plot shows the Orifice area versus spool position
I have plotted it for your case, as attached below:
You can see that when the displacement is (S=0.0005), the path “P-T” closes completely and flow becomes zero. On the other hand, the orifice for the path “P-A” is still open and thus allowing some flow of fluid (as seen in the screen shot of scope as attached by you).
As converse to it, when the displacement becomes (S = -0.0005), the orifice for the path “P-A” closes completely and flow rate becomes zero. On the other hand, the orifice for the path “P-T” is still open, thus allowing the flow of fluid (as seen in the screen shot of scope as attached by you).
At displacement (S=0), both the orifices are equally open and so, we can observe equal flow-rate in both the paths “P-T” and “P-A”.
If you want to reach the maximum flow-rate on path "P-A" for spool displacement of 0.0045m, change the “Spool travel between closed and open orifice” property of the “3-Way Directional valve” block to “0.009”. After making this change, the plot of “A_orifice” vs spool displacement (s) becomes:
Therefore, we can see that when the spool displacement is 0.0045m, the “P-A” path orifice is completely open and thus ensuring maximum flow-rate at "P-A" path
I hope it resolves your query !