Can't find where caused this "Unable to compile data properties" error in Simulink

15 views (last 30 days)
Hello, I was trying to run this code script in Matlab Function in Simulink, however I encountered the Model error and it showed that error in the figure and didn't tell me where it caused. After I preliminary debugging , I think the problems will be in the parts of "path", but the code script runs well in the Matlab Workspace, so I don't know where caused the error. May you help me to check please. Thank you a lot!
Below is my code script in Matlab Function1
function path_adjusted = fcn(waypoints, velocity, window_length, P_N, P_E)
persistent current_index last_index path;
if isempty(current_index)
current_index = 1;
if isempty(last_index)
last_index = 0;
if isempty(path)
path = zeros(2*window_length, 2);
distance_threshold = 30;
poly_degree = 3;
regulator_weight = 0.5;
path_raw = zeros(length(waypoints), 2);
path_adjusted = zeros(2*window_length, 2);
if last_index > 0
last_window_point = waypoints(last_index, 1:2);
distance_to_last_point = norm([P_N, P_E] - last_window_point);
if distance_to_last_point >= distance_threshold
path_adjusted = path;
start_index = max(current_index, last_index + 1);
end_index = min(last_index + window_length, length(waypoints));
% Check if all waypoints are already processed
if start_index > length(waypoints)
path_adjusted = path;
waypoints_window = waypoints(start_index:end_index, :);
velocity_window = velocity(start_index:end_index, :);
time_window = linspace(0, 1, size(waypoints_window, 1));
P_ = zeros((poly_degree+1), (poly_degree+1));
qx = zeros((poly_degree+1), 1);
qy = zeros((poly_degree+1), 1);
for j = 1:size(waypoints_window, 1)
t = time_window(j);
Ti0 = [1; t; t^2; t^3];
Tie0 = Ti0 * Ti0';
Ti1 = [0; 1; 2*t; 3*t^2];
Tie1 = Ti1 * Ti1';
P_ = P_ + Tie0 + Tie1;
qx = qx + -2*waypoints_window(j, 1)*Ti0 + -2*velocity_window(j, 1)*Ti1;
qy = qy + -2*waypoints_window(j, 2)*Ti0 + -2*velocity_window(j, 2)*Ti1;
t_last = time_window(end);
t_init = time_window(1);
% Combining the Regular Term
Tir_last = [0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 4*t_last 6*t_last^2; 0 0 6*t_last^2 12*t_last^3];
Tir_init = [0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0; 0 0 4*t_init 6*t_init^2; 0 0 6*t_init^2 12*t_init^3];
Tir = Tir_last - Tir_init;
P_ = P_ + window_length*regulator_weight*Tir;
P = 2*P_;
P = 0.5*(P+P');
initial_guess_x = [waypoints(1, 1); 0; 0; 0];
initial_guess_y = [waypoints(1, 2); 0; 0; 0];
% Solve QP
options = optimoptions('quadprog', ...
'Algorithm', 'active-set', ... % Use 'active-set' explicitly
'Display', 'off'); % Suppress output for real-time compatibility
coeff_x = quadprog(P, qx, [], [], [], [], [], [], initial_guess_x, options);
coeff_y = quadprog(P, qy, [], [], [], [], [], [], initial_guess_y, options);
target_pos_poly_x = coeff_x(1) + coeff_x(2)*time_window + coeff_x(3)*time_window.^2 + coeff_x(4)*time_window.^3;
target_pos_poly_y = coeff_y(1) + coeff_y(2)*time_window + coeff_y(3)*time_window.^2 + coeff_y(4)*time_window.^3;
path_raw = [target_pos_poly_x(:), target_pos_poly_y(:)];
if last_index > 0
path = circshift(path,-window_length);
path(window_length+1:end, :) = path_raw;
path(window_length+1:end, :) = path_raw;
path_adjusted = path;
last_index = end_index;
if end_index < length(waypoints)
current_index = current_index + 1;

Accepted Answer

Githin George
Githin George on 6 Dec 2024
Hello Cheng,
I suspect that the issue is arising because the size of the output signal of for your “MATLAB Function Block” cannot be determined at compilation time. Notice that “window_length” is an input to your function which means that it is a Simulink signal which may change during the simulation thereby affecting the size of your output signal “path_adjusted”.
See the line:
path_raw = zeros(length(waypoints), 2);
I tried to reproduce the issue with the following setup:
Model Init Code (I‘ve assumed some random data here):
% Define waypoints as an Nx2 matrix, where N is the number of waypoints
waypoints = [
0, 0;
10, 5;
20, 15;
30, 25;
40, 35
% Define velocities as an Nx2 matrix
velocity = [
1, 0.5;
1, 0.5;
1, 0.5;
1, 0.5;
1, 0.5
% Define other parameters
window_length = 2; % The number of waypoints to process in each window
P_N = 0; % Current North position
P_E = 0; % Current East position
Model Setup: See ModelSetup.png
Notice that after making some changes to the output variable configuration I was able to make the function work.
Default Output Signal Configuration: See DefaultConf.png
Since, “window_length” is set to 2 and my model has a “Constant” block I know that the Signal Size is [4 2] for the output “path_adjusted”. But the compilation fails with errors if I do not set the “Variable Size” property to “true”.
Modified Output Signal Configuration: See ModifiedConf.png
Note that after turning the “Variable Size” checkbox to “true” there are no compilation errors, and I get the output as shown in image 1. To learn more about Variable Size Signals, refer:
Based on this information, you may to want to consider modifying your algorithm, or go about the modelling in a different way assuming that “window_length” may change like a parameter during the simulation.
  1 Comment
Cheng Huan
Cheng Huan on 6 Dec 2024
Greeting Githin,
Thank you for your answering. After I followed your steps and modified my algorithm, it successfully compilted!!! I really appreciate you! I can move forward my research now. Hope all your researches go successful.
Best wish

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