how to clear the diagnostic viewer on call of sim(..)

20 views (last 30 days)
error messages in the diagnostic viewer never disappear, except if you click on report->'clear all'. Thats annoying, because you never know which errors are new and which you have solved already.
I assumed there must be some way via but can't find a solution
disp('start sim');
% <- clear the diagnostic viewer
out = sim(modelname);
disp('model simulated');

Accepted Answer

Githin George
Githin George on 6 Dec 2024
Edited: Githin George on 6 Dec 2024
Hi Stefan,
I did come across a way to distinguish diagnositc viewer messages for subsequent simulation runs.
You will need to use the function "sldiagviewer.createStage" to create something called a "stage" object. Think of it as essentially creating new panes for your Diagnostic Viewer.
disp('start sim');
% create a new stage object
% [A new Diagnostic Viewer Pane with its Unique ID
% - You will need to come up with a uniqueID by yourself.
% I used "Analysis"+runID to make it unique for example]
myStage = sldiagviewer.createStage('<UniqueName>',"ModelName",gcs);
% deleting the handle is Very IMPORTANT - Otherwise your new stage object
% will be generated as a sub panel inside the current pane
Refer to the documentation for more information: [Take note of the 4 points in the description]
As you can see in the image, "Analysis2" and "Analysis1" are 2 separate stages (Panes) for my 2 simulation runs.
  1 Comment
Stefan Monstein
Stefan Monstein on 6 Dec 2024
thanks, that is probably good enough for now. However, it poses the question how you can remove the old stages once you running into hundreds of them.
the documentation (point 3) tells about parent and chilren of the current/first stage, but you cannot access myStage.Parent to delete the other children.

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