How to align axes in AppDesigner
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Kristoffer Walker
on 6 Dec 2024
Commented: Kristoffer Walker
on 12 Dec 2024
Hi Folks,
In AppDesigner, is there a simple way to code up a PlotAll(app) function that can easily align vertically the x-axes for vertically stacked axes that have the same "Position" coordinates? For example, below is an example where I have three aligned UIAxes that have the same pixel horizontal positions and thicknesses, but when I plot, the axes labels and the magnitude of the y-axis data values end up causing the plot internal axes to reposition themselves and be mis-aligned.
Thank you,

Accepted Answer
More Answers (1)
on 8 Dec 2024
Edited: Strider
on 8 Dec 2024
Using a < tiledlayout> would do this for you without any additional position calculus.
You would only need to specify a uipanel as the parent of your tiled layout. See the example below.
Something to consider when using UI axes is that it is essientially a UIPanel and axes together (I think I read that on a mathworks answer one time). Using something like tiledlayout and regular axes is usually better performance (initial creation, and reactivity) and it can do everything a UIAxes can do.
One difference is you do have to programatically asign callbacks, unlike UIAxes that you can do in the app designer.
% data
% tiled layout
% p = some parent like a uipanel
% t = tiledlayout(p,'vertical')
% first axis
plot(ax, x1, y1)
ylabel(ax,'Label1 left')
yyaxis right
ylabel(ax,'Label1 right')
ylim(ax,[0 10]) % just to show both lines
% next axis
plot(ax2, x1, y2)
ylabel(ax2,'Label2 left')
yyaxis right
ylabel(ax2,'Label2 right')
ylim(ax2,[0 10]) % just to show both lines
% insert push button callback to your app to add / delete axes
on 11 Dec 2024
@Kristoffer Walker: The syntax "tiledlayout(parent)", i.e., not specifying the tiledlayout arrangement or dimensions, was introduced in R2024b (see the item here under R2024b), so that explains why
t = tiledlayout(app.UIFigure);
doesn't work for you under R2022b.
Similarly, specifying "vertical" or "horizontal" as the arrangement was introduced in R2023a, so those are also unavailable.
In R2022b, looks like your options are:
% use 'flow' arrangement
t = tiledlayout(app.UIFigure,'flow');
% or specify the dimensions
t = tiledlayout(app.UIFigure,3,2);
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