Issue with Fitting Damping Model to Experimental Data
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hello everyone,
I am trying to fit experimental data q(t) (response over time t) to a damping model. The model describes the system's behavior in three damping cases: overdamped, critically damped, and underdamped. Parameters R, L, and C are calculated from the data using a matrix-based approach.

Method for Calculating R, L, C:
- From the data q(t), the following values are derived:
- q_i,
- dq_i/dt ,
- d²q_i/dt².
- A matrix equation is formed:cssCopy codeA * X = V
- A = [ q_i, dq_i/dt, d²q_i/dt² ],
- X = [ 1/C, R, L ],
- V = the input voltage signal.
- Solving this matrix equation provides R, L, and 1/C.
The damping behavior is determined based on the condition:
Damping Condition = R² - (4L/C)
- Overdamped (R² > 4L/C):perlCopy codeq(t) = A1 * exp(s1 * t) + A2 * exp(s2 * t)
s1 = -(R / 2L) + sqrt((R² / 4L²) - (1 / LC)),
s2 = -(R / 2L) - sqrt((R² / 4L²) - (1 / LC))
- Critically Damped (R² = 4L/C):perlCopy codeq(t) = (A1 + A2 * t) * exp(-2L / R * t)
- Underdamped (R² < 4L/C):perlCopy codeq(t) = exp(-2L / R * t) * (A1 * cos(omega_d * t) + A2 * sin(omega_d * t))
omega_d = sqrt((1 / LC) - (2L / R)²)
- Complex Numbers in All Cases:Regardless of the damping condition, complex numbers sometimes appear during calculations or model evaluation. For example, in the underdamped case, if:scssCopy code(1 / LC) - (2L / R)² < 0
The value of omega_d becomes imaginary, making the model invalid for real data.
- Poor Curve Fitting:I am using a least-squares method to fit the curve:scssCopy codeError = sum((q_obs(t) - q_pred(t))²)
However, the fit often fails to match the experimental data or converges to incorrect parameter values. This issue occurs across all damping cases.
on 9 Dec 2024
Please include your code so far. The second column of the Excel file is q(t) ? Where is V(t) ?
Answers (1)
William Rose
on 10 Dec 2024
You say q(t) is a response. Response to what? To v(t), I assume. But you have not told us v(t). If you apply the differential equations for linear second order system you your data, without a v(t) input, then it is as if v(t)=0. Then you can adjust the R,L, and C, and you can adjust the initial conditions. The result will be a decaying exponential or a sum of 2 decaying exponentials, a damped sinusoid, or an undamped sinusoid (if R=0). You will never get a response that looks much like like the plot you shared.

If you want to estimate v(t) from q(t), the problem is under-determined, or it needs more constraints to make it interesting. After all, you could create a v(t) waveform that generates the observed q(t) with a single capacitor:

Good luck with your fitting.
1 Comment
William Rose
on 16 Dec 2024
@Ts, thank you for posting the additional file which includes the voltage data.
I am currently unable to run the code below in the Matlab Answer window, because the data file won't load, even though I attach it with the paper clip. I don't know why it won't load. I have tried a few things. But I can run the code on my computer. Therefore I will insert figures showing the results I get. Sorry for the inconvenience.
t=data(:,1); v=data(:,2); q=data(:,3);
% Plot data
figure; subplot(211), plot(t,q,'-r.')
grid on; ylabel('q')
subplot(212), plot(t,v,'b.')
grid on; ylabel('v'); xlabel('Time')
Code above produces figure below.

The signal v(t) has small fluctuations on top of a large mean value. v(t) shows weird quantization. Weird in the sense that the step size between levels is sometimes large and sometimes much smaller.
Let's assume this is voltage across a circuit which is an inductor L, resistor R, and capacitor C, in series. Then the total voltage across the circuit is

where v0 is a voltage offset. (Voltage can be have an arbitrary offset without affecting the way the circuit works.)
You make a very good point, which is that the system is linear in the unknown parameters L, R, C, and v0. Therefore can use the standard matrix method to find the least squares solution. We make an array qAll, with four columns for the four predictor variables: d2q/dt2, dq/dt, q, and a column of ones for the intercept term, v0. We cut 2 points off q, and 1 point off dqdt, so that all the columns of matrix qAll are the same length. We also trim the time vector and the vector v to the same length. The trimmed t and q and v are called tt, qt, and vt. I multiply q by 1e14, so it is of order 1, before doing the matrix analysis, because if I don't, the large difference between the scale of q and the column of ones in the matrix causes computational inaccuracy. More specifically, qAll'*qAll will be ill-conditioned, if the columns differ by many orders of magnitude.
I didn't need to compute dt in this example, since dt=1, but it is a good idea to do so, in case dt is not =1.
% Make matrix of predictor variables
dt=(t(end)-t(1))/(length(t)-1); % delta t
q=q*1e14; % multiply q so it is of order 1
dqdt=diff(q)/dt; % first derivative
d2qdt2=(q(3:end)-2*q(2:end-1)+q(1:end-2))/dt^2; % centered second derivative
qt=q(2:end-1); % q, trimmed
vt=v(2:end-1); % v, trimmed
tt=t(2:end-1); % t, trimmed
Next, find the vector that minimizes the sum squared error between predicted and measured v. Use the standard matrix method.
fprintf('cond(qAll^T*qAll)=%.3g.\n',cond(qAll'*qAll)); % check condition number
L=b(1); R=b(2); C=1/b(3); v0=b(4);
Display results
fprintf('Estimated values: L=%.3g, R=%.3g; C=%.3g, v0=%.5g.\n',L,R,C,v0);
Estimated values: L=0.656, R=0.313; C=2.36, v0=99512.
Predict v using the best-fit values for L,R, C:
vtPred=qAll*b; % predicted voltage
Plot measured and predicted v:
grid on; xlabel('Time'); ylabel('v')
title('v, measured and predicted')
Code above yields figure below:

The prediction has the correct mean value, but the time-varying part of the prediction is not close to the time-varying part of the measured signal.
I don't know where your data came from. Based on the results above, I conclude that a series L-R-C circuit is not a good model for this voltage and charge data.
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