How to download the csv file from Example "Find Zeros, Poles, and Gains for CTLE from Transfer Function"

6 views (last 30 days)
When i went through the example, it said "
  • Download the file CTLEdefault1RealImag.csv attached with this example to a location in your computer.
I am not able to locate the csv file, may i know where the file is located?

Answers (1)

Shivam Gothi
Shivam Gothi on 23 Dec 2024
Hello @Boon Hee,
As per my understanding, you are trying to run the example available in the below link.
  • Click on the "Copy Command" button as shown below. This will copy the MATLAB command used for opening the example.
  • Paste the command in the MATLAB command window and execute it.
  • This will create a new folder named "Examples", containing some sub-directories, in your current working directory (if it does not exist). The "CTLEdefault1RealImag.csv" file can be found in the below given path: Examples -> R2024b -> rf_serdes -> FindZerosPolesAndGainsForCTLEFromTransferFunctionExample
I hope it answers the question !


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