Using ROS Toolbox to publish transforms between 2 frames on topic /tf_static but RVIZ doesn't recognize them.

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Hello there!
I'm using ROS Toolbox to publish the transform between two frames. This involves using the tf2_msgs/TFMessage message on the /tf_static topic, with the frame_id set to 'Mutter' and the child_frame_id set to 'Tchter', as shown in the picture:
Simulink publishes the transforms just fine and it's visible on my Virtual Machine
The problem is neither RVIZ nor tf_ros package recognize these frames, as shown below.

Answers (1)

Josh Chen
Josh Chen on 3 Jan 2025
Hi Abdulrahman,
Given that you are able to see the correct message in virtual machine, I believe the message modeling is correct.
One thing I did not see in the problem statement is the QoS setting on the Publish block mask.
Since you are publishing to "/tf_static", I believe at least the "Durability" should be set to "transient_local". If you haven't done so, you can try to:
  1. Double click to open "Publish" block mask
  2. Change "Durability" to "Transient local"
In addition, for "/tf_static", you just need to publish it once. Hence, one optimization is to put all your blocks into a "Initialize Function" block. This ensures it will only be published once instead of publishing in each time step during simulation.
Hope this helps,




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