What is valid type?

6 views (last 30 days)
Vims on 25 Dec 2024
Commented: Vims on 28 Dec 2024
Expression 'IMU_Bus' for type of data 'imu_data_struct' did not evaluate to a valid type.
Caused by:
Invalid setting in 'MATLAB Function' for parameter 'Datatype'
Error evaluating MATLAB Function parameter data 'Datatype' in its parent workspace.
Unrecognized function or variable 'IMU_Bus'.
Variable 'IMU_Bus' does not exist.
Suggested Actions:
Load a file into base workspace. - Fix
Create a new variable. - Fix
I am not able to understand this error as I have below file when i load it then it works but when i run simulation then shows same error.
% File: read_imu_data.m
% Description:
% Reads custom IMU file and returns a structured array containing raw
% IMU increments, message counters, sample times, etc.
% Guidelines:
% - snake_case for function and variables
% - no global usage
% - columns are identified and documented
% Author: <Your Name>
% Date: <Date>
function imu_data_struct = read_imu_data(file_name)
% READ_IMU_DATA Reads the specified IMU file and parses data columns.
% file_name [string] - path to the IMU data file (no spaces).
% imu_data_struct - a structure with fields:
% .msg_counter : message counter [0..255]
% .sample_time_s : sample time in seconds [resets at each PPS]
% .gyro_x_inc : gyro X increments
% .gyro_y_inc : gyro Y increments
% .gyro_z_inc : gyro Z increments
% .acc_x_inc : accelerometer X increments
% .acc_y_inc : accelerometer Y increments
% .acc_z_inc : accelerometer Z increments
% .temperature : sensor temperature (unit depends on sensor)
% .status_code : status code (unitless)
% Example usage:
% imu_data = read_imu_data('IMU_19.dat');
fid = fopen(file_name, 'r');
if fid == -1
error('read_imu_data:CannotOpenFile', ...
'Could not open IMU file: %s', file_name);
data_array = textscan(fid, '%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f', ...
'Delimiter',' ', 'MultipleDelimsAsOne', true);
data_matrix = cell2mat(data_array);
% Parse columns into a structured form
imu_data_struct.msg_counter = data_matrix(:,1);
imu_data_struct.sample_time_s = data_matrix(:,2);
imu_data_struct.gyro_x_inc = data_matrix(:,3);
imu_data_struct.gyro_y_inc = data_matrix(:,4);
imu_data_struct.gyro_z_inc = data_matrix(:,5);
imu_data_struct.acc_x_inc = data_matrix(:,6);
imu_data_struct.acc_y_inc = data_matrix(:,7);
imu_data_struct.acc_z_inc = data_matrix(:,8);
imu_data_struct.temperature = data_matrix(:,9);
imu_data_struct.status_code = data_matrix(:,10);
Shivam Gothi
Shivam Gothi on 26 Dec 2024
Hello @Vims,
I am not able to reproduce the issue from my end.
The simulink model contains the scripts "load_IMU_data" and "load_IMU_data_simple". Can you please share those files if possible ? Also, I investigated that the model reads the sensor data from a text file. Can you also provide a sample file ?
It will be helpful in reproducing the issue and suggesting proper solutions.

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Answers (1)

Shivam Gothi
Shivam Gothi on 26 Dec 2024
Hello @Vims,
I understand that you are trying to run the attached simulink model, but facing some error. Basically, you want to use the structure named "imu_data_struct" defined in the base workspace, in your simulink model.
You can achieve this using the below suggested work-around.
You need not to have an additional "input" port in your MATLAB function block to get the structure "imu_data_struct" as an input data.
Instead of it, you can define "imu_data_struct", appearing in all of the MATLAB function blocks as "parameter data" in the symbols pane. This will not create an input port, but will directly fetch the value of "imu_data_struct" from the base workspace (if it is defined there). Follow the below steps to define "imu_data_struct" as "parameter data":
  • Double click on the MATLAB function block. This will open the editor.
  • Navigate to the "Modelling" tab in the tool-strip and click the "Symbols Pane" icon. This will open the symbols pane on the right hand side of the window as shown in the below figure.
  • Click the symbol appearing besides the "imu_data_struct" in the symbols pane and change the "type" to "parameter data" as shown in below figure.
  • Now, your MATLAB function block will not have any "input port" as seen below:
This will also resolve the error attached by you in the screen-shot.
You can achieve this by typing the below lines of code in the "PreLoadFcn" callback appearing in the "Model properties" under the "Modelling" tab.
%The below lines of code will read the IMU data file and stores the values
%in appropriate fields of structure.
data_matrix = data_array;
% Parse columns into a structured form
imu_data_struct.msg_counter = data_matrix(:,1);
imu_data_struct.sample_time_s = data_matrix(:,2);
imu_data_struct.gyro_x_inc = data_matrix(:,3);
imu_data_struct.gyro_y_inc = data_matrix(:,4);
imu_data_struct.gyro_z_inc = data_matrix(:,5);
imu_data_struct.acc_x_inc = data_matrix(:,6);
imu_data_struct.acc_y_inc = data_matrix(:,7);
imu_data_struct.acc_z_inc = data_matrix(:,8);
imu_data_struct.temperature = data_matrix(:,9);
imu_data_struct.status_code = data_matrix(:,10);
This will create the structure "imu_data_struct" in the base workspace whenever you open the simulink model.
I hope you find this useful !
Vims on 27 Dec 2024
https://github.com/VimsRocz/Project here is the repository
Vims on 28 Dec 2024
I have resolve the issue with data loading which is Task_1 folder of github
read the read_me_file and proceed it. Thanks
Close this issue

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