'mcc' ignoring "-w disable" option

34 views (last 30 days)
Tom on 16 Jan 2025 at 14:24
Commented: Tom on 17 Jan 2025 at 11:34
I'm using a Makefile (on Linux) to call 'mcc' (R2017b) to compile multiple projects. I've added the "-w disable" option, and when 'make' prints out the command line, the option is there. But the console output still contains warning messages. Am I missing or not correctly understanding something?
In case it's important, the specific warning I really want to suppress is MATLAB:depfun:req:CorrespondingMCodeIsEmpty. There are 1000s of lines of console output for this warning type, but I know everything compiles and works fine. So I want to improve my odds of catching any other warnings that might show up. Trying to disable just that one warning wasn't working, so I tried to disable all warnings and discovered this problem.
Again, in case it's important, these warnings are being triggered by P-code files that are being brought in via a "-a" specification.
The full command line being issued by 'make' is like:
cd mcc/linux && /path/to/mcc -R -nodesktop -m -v -w disable -a /path/to/pcode -a /another/path/to/pcode /path/to/source.p
ETA: I have also tried entering the 'mcc' portion of this command line directly in the Matlab GUI (R2018a this time, with both "-w disable" and "-w off") and the warnings still appear. So again, it seems either 'mcc's "-w" option is broken or I'm missing/misinterpreting something.
All assistance appreciated!
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Tom on 17 Jan 2025 at 11:34
Further info: if I enter
At the Matlab GUI command line and then enter the 'mcc' command (without any "-w" option), the warning is suppressed as desired.
So maybe the issue is a combination of:
  1. "-w disable" applies to compile-time warnings, but maybe only those in the "Compiler" heirarchy? This would seem to be a defect in Matlab that it doesn't suppress all compile-time warnings.
  2. "-w off" applies only to runtime warnings, so turning it off doesn't suppress a (non-"Compiler") warning at compile time

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Answers (1)

Githin George
Githin George on 17 Jan 2025 at 4:30
I would recommend using MATLAB’s inbuild “warning” command to see if the issue gets resolved as it is mentioned in the “mcc” documentation as well:
More specifically, use the “warning” command to turn “off” the warning for “MATLAB:depfun:req:CorrespondingMCodeIsEmpty” as shown below:
>> warning('off','MATLAB:depfun:req:CorrespondingMCodeIsEmpty’)
I hope this helps.
  1 Comment
Tom on 17 Jan 2025 at 11:13
What you're suggesting might work if I were running 'mcc' from the Matlab GUI command line, but as noted I'm invoking 'mcc' from a Makefile. So I only have 'mcc' command-line arguments to work with.
I did try using "-w off" rather than "-w disable", but that didn't work either.

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