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Code Generation: Static local variables

17 views (last 30 days)
I would like the "Block signals" and "Block states" in the generated c-code to be of the type "static".
static BlockIO_model B;
How do I get there? thx

Accepted Answer

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 22 Nov 2011
I don't think there is currently a simple solution for this (I would recommend putting in an enhancement request with MathWorks Tech Support if this is important for your use-case).
However, this is certainly possible with use of Custom Storage Classes. You can create your own storage class to declare data as "static" in the generated code. This storage class can then be applied to data in your model by the use of Simulink.Signal (or mpt.Signal) and Simulink.Parameter (or mpt.Parameter) objects that use this as their storage class. There are some usage examples in the documentation section Types, Operators, and Expressions.
Sai Manga Reddy Karri
Sai Manga Reddy Karri on 30 Jul 2021
I am trying to generate it for unit delay is generated as global static.. but i am unable to generate it as local static..
sai ganesh
sai ganesh on 26 Apr 2024
Any solution for this scenario? Even in MATLAB 2022b we are unable to generate the Block states as local static variables.

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More Answers (1)

Fan BU
Fan BU on 26 May 2017
Please try using the block delay, the delayed signal will be one from last cycle, this corresponds to static in C code, see the picture, the signal rpmDir in generated C code will be static.
Maybe custom storage class is better solution, I never used this.


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