how can i know which toolbox a function is calling?

65 views (last 30 days)
If I have a function, how can I know which toolbox is using without going through the code?
And also, how can I know which subfunctions a fucntion is calling?
I have used:
profile on
profile viewer
but it looks really messy because it lists also all scripts and built-in

Accepted Answer

Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney on 23 Nov 2011
I prefer fdep over depfun, because a) it provides a lot more detailed information, including separating the files by toolbox if applicable, and b) I find depfun very buggy and unreliable (I get the same type of crashes you refer to, usually because depfun messed up and is trying to list every function and method associated with some random obscure class that is not actually called by my function but that shares a name with something in the dependency tree).

More Answers (4)

Thomas on 22 Nov 2011
Use a 'which FucntionName' command
>> which qfunc
Tells you that it is using the communication toolbox..
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 23 Nov 2011
That is not necessarily true.
which max
will tell you:
built-in (/Applications/ % logical method
However, if you run
doc max
you'll see that max is a function in other toolboxes as well and will be invoked when the object is of that class.
Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer on 24 Nov 2011
If you are interested in the various overloaded methods of a function, call "which -all max". Titus

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Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer on 23 Nov 2011
usually depfun is indeed the answer, but it has it's limitations as you saw. One rather simple (although not optimal) way is the following: start fresh MATLAB, run your GUI (and click around the buttons that might invoke computations) and try afterwards
It tells you the toolboxes that have been aquired from the license manager (.i.e., the toolboxes your code used.

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 22 Nov 2011
try depfun()?
joeDiHare on 23 Nov 2011
this looks very interesting, but for a bit more sofisticated function (e.g. my GUI.m), depfun takes ages untill my machine eventually chrashes.
Do you know how could i do?
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 23 Nov 2011
Try some of the options of depfun(), such as '-toponly', '-quite'.

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Rubaisha Siddiqui
Rubaisha Siddiqui on 9 May 2017
can anybody please tell me to which Toolbox trainedClassifer belongs? everytime i run the code its gives an error Undefined variable "trainedClassifier"


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