I have the scatter diagram and I want the coordinates of each point

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What I want is, if I have the scatter diagram, how can I take the coordinates of each and every point in a matrix or in a vector?
Ang Vas
Ang Vas on 4 Jun 2015
Edited: Image Analyst on 4 Jun 2015
sorry for all that mesh. Well the scatter I have it from the below code
axis ij
hold on
while any(A(:) > 0)
[r,c] = find(A>0);
offx = randn;
offy = randn;
scatter(c+offx,r+offy,'.', 'b')
A = A-1;
but I can't understand how to find the x,y coordinates of each point
luc on 4 Jun 2015
Could you add some sample A data? It seems to me the
scatter(c+offx,r+offy,'.', 'b')
line contains the X and Y data. So X_new and Y_new becomes:

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Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 4 Jun 2015
How did you generate the picture? If it was via MATLAB, then why don't you know the coordinates already?
Or else, call ginput() or impoints(). You will also have to click on the start and stop of the x and y axes so that you can locate the origin and a spatial calibration factor.

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