generating a weibull channel on Matlab

7 views (last 30 days)
I am new here.. I just have a doubt on how to create a Weibull channel on Matlab. For Rayleigh, I know it can be given as: h = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(nRx(jj),N) + j*randn(nRx(jj),N)] where, nRx is the length i assumed and N is the number of bits in this case.
But how can I generate Weibull channel in the same manner ?
Please help me in this regards. That will be much appreciated.
Thanks and regards,

Accepted Answer

bym on 27 Nov 2011
hw = lamda.*(-log(rand(nRx(jj),N)).^(1/beta))
where lamda & beta are your Weibull parameters. BTW you can generate your Rayleigh channel by using beta = 2
can on 22 May 2017
What about Rician Channel? How can I generate Rician channel in the same manner ? Please help me, Thanks and regards.
senem cönger
senem cönger on 27 Apr 2022
lamba ve beta kaç alınmalı burada?

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