How to display the celcius sumbol (°C) using fprint??
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I am creating an output file using fprint and want to display the unit of temperature in Celcius. Anyone knows how to do this?
Accepted Answer
on 23 Jun 2015
Edited: Stephen23
on 4 Dec 2019
Here are four methods:
fid = fopen('temp.txt','wt');
fprintf(fid,'symbol one: °C\n');
fprintf(fid,'symbol two: %cC\n',176);
fprintf(fid,'symbol three: %cC\n',char(176));
fprintf(fid,'symbol four: \260C\n');
And the generated file:
symbol one: °C
symbol two: °C
symbol three: °C
symbol four: °C
on 3 Dec 2019
Out of curiosity, where do the codes in Walter's helpful comment come from? I knew that the degree symbol could be produced by Alt + 0176 so it didn't surprise me that passing 176 to a %c in fprintf gave me the right symbol.
>> fprintf('%c\n',176)
However, for my particular application, I can avoid needing to add a cumbersome workaround if I could put the symbol right in the format string. But these didn't give me what I expected:
>> fprintf('\176\n')
>> fprintf('\x176\n')
>> fprintf('\0176\n')
>> fprintf('\x0176\n')
Obviously using the code Walter suggested worked, but how did you know the degree symbol was \260?
>> fprintf('\260\n')
on 4 Dec 2019
Edited: Stephen23
on 4 Dec 2019
"but how did you know the degree symbol was \260?"
- using hexadecimal '\xN'
- using octal '\N'
The value 176 is decimal, so it cannot be used directly with either of those syntaxes, but if you convert it to the correct base it it will work exactly as documented (although watch out for the catch that Walter Roberson showed when using hexadecimal with a trailing 'C' character).
More Answers (1)
on 23 Jun 2015
first search the previous answers and you will find what you are looking for:
I prefer to use:
Walter Roberson
on 4 Dec 2019
\circ is also a work-around. I am told that publications do not like \circ as it is not considered a correct degree symbol. I seem to recall it is not raised at the correct height for a proper degree symbol.
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