Change the name of csv file and save into a folder.
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Hi MATLAB experts,
How can I change the name of csv file and save the name changed? After that, I'd like to move it to a folder..
For instance, I have csv file here, and want to change the name to 'DATA' from 'Value' as follows:
fileList = Value.csv
And move and save this changed file to a folder ('C:\myfolder\')..
Thanks for any help you can provide in advance!!
Best Regards, Jake
Accepted Answer
on 23 Jun 2015
Edited: Stephen23
on 23 Jun 2015
Please read the documentation carefully for both of those functions. Note that copyfile can also be used to rename a file or folder, and that the filenames can include relative-path or full-path if the file is not located in the current directory.
on 4 Jul 2015
@Image Analyst: The answer has not been accepted. I've done this for you, because you tried to do this for Jake.
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