Problem with Callback Function / BytesAvailableFcn on GUI
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i work since 3 days only on one thing ; to be able to receive continuously bytes from device (Arduino) on GUI programme but unfortunately i have not done. The Problem is that BytesAvailableFcn cannot be called.
function togglebutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
stat = get(hObject,'Value'); %returns toggle state of togglebutton1
if (stat == 1)
if ~isfield(handles, 'Ser')
set(hObject, 'String','Connected');
handles.Ser = serial('COM11','BaudRate', 9600);
handles.Ser.BytesAvailableFcnMode = 'Terminator';
set (handles.Ser,'RequestToSend','off');
set (handles.Ser,'Terminator','CR');
handles.Ser.BytesAvailableFcn = {@instrcallback,handles}; % Here the Problem!
fopen(handles.Ser) ;
elseif (stat == 0)
if isfield(handles, 'Ser')
fclose (handles.Ser);
handles = rmfield(handles, 'Ser');
guidata(hObject, handles)
function instrcallback(obj, eventdata, handles)
set(findobj('Tag','text2'),'String','Bytes Received!') ; % Test if that function works
Answers (1)
Harsha Medikonda
on 7 Jul 2015
'instrcallback' accepts two parameters. Please refer to the following documentation link
Also,please refer to the following link for the usage of bytesavailablefcn
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 8 Jul 2015
True, however it is only an error to specify more dummy parameters than actual arguments if one of the missing arguments is actually used.
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