Choosing data as training, validation and testing ANN

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone,
I am a very new in MATLAB and ANN, I want to know how choose the data as training, validation, and testing.
if I have data
A = [1:100] % Input,,,,,,,, B = A.^2 % Target
I want to choose 80% data as training, 10% validation and 10% also as testing.. And how if I want to take it randomly..
If the questions are not very clear, please inform me. Thank you very much

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Dec 2011
The below code would need to be adjusted a bit if A is not a vector.
numA = length(A);
trainsize = floor(0.8 * numA);
valsize = floor(0.8 * numA);
testsize = numA - trainsize - valsize;
ridx = randperm(numA);
traindata = A(ridx(1:trainsize));
valdata = A(ridx(trainsize + 1 : trainsize + valsize));
testdata = A(ridx(end-testsize+1:end));

More Answers (2)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 3 Dec 2011
See the input parameter list of the newff documentation
help newff
Hope this helps.
  1 Comment
Muammar on 4 Dec 2011
Hii Greg...
I use newff, but i dont know how to divide the data manually. Example, I want to use A(1:80) as training, A(81:90) as validation and A(91:100) as testing. Thank you..

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Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 6 Dec 2011
It is straightforward:
ptrn = A(1:80);
pval = A(81:90);
ptst = A(91:100);
Similarly for t and B.
Or did I miss something?
Hope this helps.


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