Use a numeric array as Map value

3 views (last 30 days)
Ben on 19 Jul 2015
Commented: Ben on 22 Jul 2015
I'm reading through a file and want to create a map of string keys, each with an array of numeric arrays. How do I go about declaring this object and then appending arrays to the values?
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Cedric on 19 Jul 2015
Edited: Cedric on 19 Jul 2015
Can you give an example?

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Answers (1)

Cedric on 19 Jul 2015
Edited: Cedric on 19 Jul 2015
If I understand well what you are trying to achieve, you can:
  • Build your own system using a cell array of keys and STRCMP/STRCMPI/REGEXP for matching key/value pairs.
  • Use a containers.Map object.
  • Use a Java Hashtable object ( java.util.Hashtable )
Note that if you need to store complex data structures, a good option is to use a hybrid approach, where you define a values cell array, a keys hashtable, and then store complex data structures in the cell array and only their IDs in the hashtable.
Cedric on 20 Jul 2015
Edited: Cedric on 20 Jul 2015
If all you need to implement is this Python-dict-like feature, yes. But if you really have to iterate through files and then use MATLAB for performing some type of processing, then you should stick to MATLAB. The last two mechanisms that I mention are close to Python dictionary objects; learning to use them is much easier than interfacing Python and MATLAB.
Ben on 22 Jul 2015
Eh, in the end it was easy enough just to save the relevant information to files with Python, then process it further in Matlab.

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