How to store particular data

1 view (last 30 days)
Mekala balaji
Mekala balaji on 7 Aug 2015
I used the attached code to read the text files, But Now I want to store the particular data: 1. Information after "Additional information:" this text appears 2. Data below "Additional information:"
More specifically I want :
Data_event: (All data appears between: Additional information, stop at ----line)
-14 0.28
-13 0.27
-12 0.26
-11 0.25
-10 0.24
-9 0.23
-8 0.23
-7 0.22
-6 0.22
-5 0.22
-4 0.22
-3 0.22
-2 0.22
-1 0.22
0 0.23
1 0.22
2 0.22
3 0.22
4 0.22
5 0.22
6 0.22
7 0.23
8 0.23
9 0.23
10 0.24
11 0.26
12 0.29
I used the following code to read the text files, and store other information I required, but I am unable to get the above mentioned data:
Many many thanks in advance.

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