Least-median-of-squares Fitting

6 views (last 30 days)
Jamuna Jayashri Mahalingam
Answered: Marco Riani on 5 Nov 2019
Can anyone please help me with the algorithm for Least-median-of-squares fitting...I am trying to use it for the optic disc segmentation in retinal images?

Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 12 Dec 2011
I never heard of it, though that's not surprising since there are hundreds of papers published every year, each with a unique newly invented filter. You must have heard of it somehow, such as a scientific article or web page. Where was it, and was it not explained in sufficient detail for you to translate the algorithm into MATLAB code?
  1 Comment
Jamuna Jayashri Mahalingam
Actually it just appeared in the Literature review of the paper "Locating the Optic Nerve in a Retinal Image using the Fuzzy Convergence of the Blood Vessels" by Hoover and Goldbaum.So I just wanted to ask what it actually meant and how it was used in the context of Retinal Image processing.

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Marco Riani
Marco Riani on 5 Nov 2019
Least-median-of-squares fitting is implemented in function LXS of the FSDA toolbox.
At the web address
you can find the HTML documentation of this function

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