Plot from excel sheet to matlab

885 views (last 30 days)
Hello everybody,
Yesterday I had the question to get mean gray level value into an excel sheet. After the help I managed to get it work. Now i have the following question.
I can plot in Excel but I know that matlab can do it for me.
I found the following code,
% [num, txt, raw] = xlsread('mean_gray_level_value.xlsx', 1);
% plot(num)
% num = sort(num);
% for i = 1:numel(num)
% NumCell(i) = {num2str(num(i))};
% end
% set(gca,'Xtick',1:numel(num),'XTickLabel',txt, 'Ytick', num,'YTickLabel',NumCell)
Can someone help me to plot from data of an excel sheet? the y axis must be from 0 to 255 the x axis must be the number of the analysis.
I hope you can help me,
Kind regards
  1 Comment
OMAR EL MZOURI on 24 May 2023
Hello, I need a help for how can I plot a graph from excel data in real time?

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Accepted Answer

Jae Song
Jae Song on 23 Sep 2015
You can simply read data in an Excel file using the readtable function.
Then, read the column data as X and Y variables into Matlab. ( Use the column header names in the Excel file to extract values. Please see the example below)
Use the plot function to create a plot.
%: Read the excel file using readtable function
rawTable = readtable('testData.xlsx','Sheet','Sheet1');
x = rawTable.Header1; %: get the excel column, Header1 (header name)
y = rawTable.Header2; %: get the excel column, Header2 (header name)
Markus M.
Markus M. on 12 Dec 2022
This was so helpful, thank you
Clara Casado-Coterillo
Clara Casado-Coterillo on 13 Sep 2023
And if you only need a few cells of the sheet in the Excel, how can you extract them with readtable function?
Former xlsread used the last argument ['B' num2str(i+2) ':C' num2str(i+2)] to tell Matlab to search from cell B3...

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