How to use for loops to calculate the determinant of the first n powers of 2x2 matrix (A) without using the implicit Matlab command "det"

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I am allowed to use the for loop as well as if/elseif/else statements to create the function but I am not sure how exactly to do this. The input will be a matrix A and a scalar value n. I began using if statements to make sure that the matrix is 2x2 and that n is positive however i do not know how to code for det(A^n) without using the det function. Below is an example of what i have thus far:
function ret = invertiblePowers(A,n)
if isequal(size(A), [2 2])==0
ret= disp('Matrix has wrong dimensions')
elseif floor(n)~=ceil(n)
ret= disp('n is not a positive integer')
elseif isequal(size(A), [2 2])==1 & floor(n)=ceil(n)

Accepted Answer

WAT on 28 Sep 2015
You're going to want a function that takes A and n as inputs and either returns a string or nothing at all. That would look like
function ret = invertiblePowers(A,n)
function [] = invertiblePowers(A,n)
Assuming you want to return a string, then just do something like
function ret = invertiblePowers(A,n)
ret = ''; % initialize ret to empty string
% Make sure A is the right size
if (~isequal(size(A),[2,2]))
ret = 'Matrix has wrong dimensions'; % note that 'disp' is not used
return; % stop working and exit out of this function
% Make sure n is positive integer
if ((floor(n)~=ceil(n)) || (n <=0))
ret = 'n is not a positive integer';
% if A is 2x2 and n is positive integer, find det(A^n)
% It's unclear whether this function needs to find all
% determinates for I=1 up to n, or just n.
% Assuming you want 1:n, loop through
for i = 1:n
An = A^i; % raise A to the ith power
% find the determinate here, you need to do this part
% append results to return string
ret = [ret ; sprintf('n = %i : det(A^n) = %f',i,detAn)];
end % end for loop

More Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Sep 2015
This together with the fact that with SVD, the N'th power of the matrix can be found by taking the N'th power of the diagonal.
Or you could just use the formula for the determinant of a 2 x 2 matrix.
Blake on 28 Sep 2015
Ok so i tried switching to using the formula for a det(A) and I got rid of the extra elseif statments since those would be filtered out already. I still am unsure how to incorporate displaying the strings. The next part of this asks me to call the function and evaluate a provided matrix and n value.
function [] = invertiblePowers(A,n)
%UNTITLED6 Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
if isequal(size(A), [2 2])==1 & n>0
elseif (A(1)*A(4)-A(2)*A(3))^n==0
disp('det(A^k) = 0 so A^k is singular')
elseif (A(1)*A(4)-A(2)*A(3))^n~=0
disp('det(A^k) = A_k so A^k is invertible')
WAT on 28 Sep 2015
I wouldn't assume you're allowed to use the rule that det(A^n) = det(A)^n. I'd assume you're supposed to calculate A^n then find the determinate of that new matrix.

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James Tursa
James Tursa on 28 Sep 2015
To calculate the determinant of a 2x2 matrix, see this link a little over halfway down the first page:
To get the determinant of a matrix power, det(A^n), also note from the above link that the determinant of a matrix product is the product of the individual determinants. I.e. det(A*A) = det(A)*det(A). So you can extend this to powers and figure out the formula for det(A^n).
Using the above hints should help you to write the code.
WAT on 28 Sep 2015
I'm guessing that discovering that relationship between det(A^n) and det(A) is the point of this problem =P
Blake on 28 Sep 2015
I see the relationship that det(A^n) can be determined by finding the det(A) then raising it to the nth power but I am confused about incorporating the for loop. In the comment section of the other response you can see I'm only using if and elseif statements

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