Summing specific values in arrays

4 views (last 30 days)
Max on 9 Oct 2015
Commented: Stephen23 on 10 Oct 2015
If i have something for example say
how would i sum up all the values on the second column for values of the first column. For example for all the numbers in the first column that have a value 2, I want to some up all the values the second column corresponding to 2. i.e
would be the only things considered and the answer would be (3+5+1) which is 9. These are all the values to the right of 2. I hope this makes sense, and any help would be appreciated.

Accepted Answer

Thorsten on 9 Oct 2015
Edited: Thorsten on 9 Oct 2015
If you don't need all values you can use the one-liner
s = sum(X(X(:,1)==2, 2));
X(:,1)==2 results in a logical array that has 1's at all the rows that are equal to 2, else zero. If you use this as an index to X(.,2), the values in the 2nd column are selected for those rows in column 1 that equal 2. These values are summed, and you got your desired result.

More Answers (2)

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel on 9 Oct 2015
a = [2,3;4,5;2,5;1,5;2,1;1,1]
prompt = 'Enter any no fom first column ';
x = input(prompt)
r = find(a(1:end,1)==x)
rslt = sum(a(r,2))
  1 Comment
Max on 9 Oct 2015
Sorry I'm quite new to matlab I dont really understand the answer.

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Stephen23 on 9 Oct 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 9 Oct 2015
This is exactly what accumarray is for:
>> X = [2,3;4,5;2,5;1,5;2,1;1,1]
X =
2 3
4 5
2 5
1 5
2 1
1 1
>> accumarray(X(:,1),X(:,2))
ans =
where the first row corresponds to the 1's, the second row the 2's, etc. So it performs all of the sums at once, without any extra code at all! And lets compare to your example, the 2's = 3+5+1 = 9, so it gives the result that you looking for.
Note that the first input to accumarray must be integer indices, so if these are negative or floating point values then you can use unique's third output to generate a vector of integer indices to use for this input.
Max on 9 Oct 2015
How would I display the answer as just 9 and not in column form :/?
Stephen23 on 10 Oct 2015
>> Y = accumarray(X(:,1),X(:,2));
>> Y(2)
ans = 9

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