how can i plot in the axes of other gui??????
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hello; i have two gui with buttons and axe i want to plot in the second axe *of the *second gui by cliking int the button on the first gui with the informations in the first gui how can i do ?????
Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 14 Nov 2015
findobj() the Tag for the second axes to get its handle. Then use that handle in your plotting calls, either by passing it as the first parameter to the plotting routines (supported by many plotting routines) or by using the axes as the 'Parent' property for plotting routines that allow you to pass Name/Value pairs. For example,
TheOtherAxes = findobj('Tag', 'Gui2axes');
plot(TheOtherAxes, rand(1,20));
Walter Roberson
on 15 Nov 2015
possible_axes = findobj('Tag', 'axes1');
axes_figures = ancestor(possible_axes, 'figure');
if iscell(axes_figures); axes_figures = cell2mat(axes_figures); end
current_figure = ancestor(gcf, 'figure');
possible_axes = possible_axes(axes_figures ~= current_figure);
if length(possible_axes) ~= 1
error('Could not find unique axes1 belonging to another GUI');
TheOtherAxes = possible_axes;
plot(TheOtherAxes, rand(1,20)); %plot on it
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