How do I index an array/cell array with an array?

2 views (last 30 days)
I am sorry, it's a very newbie question, but I am nearly lost.
So I have a cell array
data2 = num2cell(magic(5))
And I have an array of size 2.
coord = [x, y]
I want to obtain data2{x,y}
without writing data2{coord(1), coord(2)}
Is it possible to do that?
data2{ coord } gives a completely different result.

Answers (2)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 29 Nov 2015
You have to write ‘data2{coord(1), coord(2)}’. That’s just the way indexing works.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 29 Nov 2015
If coord is really a 2 element array and not some larger matrix, then you could use sub2ind() but honestly I think that would just make it more cryptic and less maintainable than doing data2{coord(1), coord(2)}.

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