Need to combine doubles with different sizes

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I need to combine a set of doubles into one double matrix. My problem is that they are all different sizes. How would I go about doing this?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Jan 2016
Are you trying to put each member into a row (or column) with them starting as different lengths, and you want to end up with a rectangular matrix that has NaN in each location where there was no value?
jgillis16 on 19 Jan 2016
Walter, yes you're on the right track. I have several different doubles that I need to combine but they all have varying lengths. The problem I'm facing is that say I have an 'x' double. This 'x' double is associated with another set of 'y' double that is the same length as the 'x' double because they come from the same source of data. But, I have several sets of these pairs of 'x' and 'y' doubles, but they are all different lengths. How would I make these separate 'x' and 'y' doubles the same length as each other?

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Jan 2016
If packing by columns then
YourXArray(1:length(x), Column_Number) = x;
If the x is larger then the current maximum number of rows then the array will be automatically grown and padded with 0s. If you want a different pad value then you need to indicate to us what padding you want.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Jan 2016
Then perhaps you should be padding with something else like -inf or nan
Lx = length(this_x);
if Lx > size(YourXArray,1)
YourXArray( size(YourXArray,1)+1 : Lx, :) = PadValue;
YourXArray(1:Lx, ColumnNumber) = x;
jgillis16 on 20 Jan 2016
what does 'this_x', and 'x' refer to? thanks!

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