Time-dependent boundary condition in PDE Toolbox

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Hello ! I'm facing some issues with PDE Toolbox in Matlab, indeed I'm trying to solve the heat diffusion equation in a plate of Phase Change Material . So I've got a Temperature-dependent capacity , but I need to solve the equation in a sinusoidal state , I mean with a sin boundary condition. But today, when I specify 'sin(t)' as 'u' condition, it gives me back an error. I don't know very well the PDE toolbox app and I think i did something wrong, could you help me please ? Thanks a lot !
Error using pde.internal.pde2DBCImpl/getBCMatrices (line 50)
The "u" parameter of a pde.BoundaryCondition entity has more entries, 1001, than the number of equations, 1.
This error occurred in the definition of a pde.BoundaryCondition entity on edge 4.
Error in pde.internal.pde2DBCImpl>@(varargin)self.getBCMatrices(varargin{:}) (line 23)
fh = @self.getBCMatrices;
Error in pdeefxpd (line 9)
Error in pdeexpd (line 39)
Error in assemb (line 164)
Error in pdeODEInfo/getMats (line 165)
Error in pdeODEInfo/checkFuncDepen (line 61)
[MM0,K0,M0,F0,Q0,G0,H0,R0] = self.getMats(u0, t0);
Error in pdeParabolicInfo (line 13)
obj=obj.checkFuncDepen(u0, tlist);
Error in parabolic (line 109)
Error in diffusionMCP (line 52)
u = parabolic(u0, tlist, pdem, c, a, f, d);
Here is the code I wrote !
% Ecrit par Alexis CAILLON ### Dernière version : 11/03/2016
numberOfPDE = 1;
pdem = createpde(numberOfPDE);
%%Geometrie de la plaque / Geometry
%Definition de la plaque
hauteur = 0.005;
largeur = 0.005;
gdm = [3 4 0 largeur largeur 0 0 0 hauteur hauteur]';
g = decsg(gdm, 'S1', ('S1')');
%Tracé et affichage / Plot
axis equal
title 'Plaque (vue en coupe) avec légende';
%Maillage de la plaque / Mesh
hmax = 0.005/10; %taille d'un element fini
msh=generateMesh(pdem,'Hmax', hmax);
axis equal
title 'Plaque avec maillage triangulaire'
%%Conditions aux limites / Boundary coundition
% 50° sur le bord gauche
Tgauche = applyBoundaryCondition(pdem,'Edge',4, 'u', sin(350*t).^2);
%%Définition des coefficients
d = '500.*(4250 +(15000-4250).*exp(-((22.3-u)./3).^2))'; %capacité calorifique*rho
c = 0.25; % conductivité thermique
a = 0;
f = 0;
%%Solution en régime transitoire
tlist = 0:1:1000;
u0 = 15;
u = parabolic(u0, tlist, pdem, c, a, f, d);
getClosestNode = @(p,x,y) min((p(1,:) - x).^2 + (p(2,:) - y).^2);
% Call this function to get a node near the center of the right edge.
[~,nid] = getClosestNode( msh.Nodes, 1, 0 );
h = figure;
h.Position = [1 1 2 1].*h.Position;
axis equal
pdeplot(pdem, 'xydata', u(:,end), 'contour', 'on', 'colormap', 'hot');
axis equal
title 'Temperature, Temps final, solution transitoire'
axis equal
plot(tlist, u(nid,:));
grid on
title 'Temperature sur le bords droit a t final';
xlabel 'Temps, secondes'
ylabel 'Temperature, degrées-Celsius'

Accepted Answer

Ravi Kumar
Ravi Kumar on 6 Apr 2016
Edited: madhan ravi on 23 Nov 2018
Hi Alexis,
Replace the BC assignment line:
Tgauche = applyBoundaryCondition(pdem,'Edge',4, 'u', sin(350*t).^2);
mybc = @(region,state) sin(350*state.time).^2;
Tgauche = applyBoundaryCondition(pdem,'Edge',4, 'u', mybc);
Refer to the following documentation for additional details on specifying non-constant BC: http://www.mathworks.com/help/pde/ug/nonconstant-boundary-object-specification.html
Hope this helps!

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