how to define an anonymous function in spmd block?

6 views (last 30 days)
I want to define sinx function in spmd block. how can I do is giving an error you cant define an anonymous function in an spmd block
  1 Comment
Kirby Fears
Kirby Fears on 11 Apr 2016
Edited: Kirby Fears on 11 Apr 2016
Did you try writing a function instead of an anonymous function?
For example, the anonymous function:
@(x) x/2
could be turned into a regular function:
function result = divideByTwo(x)
result = x/2;
Then you could use the function by name when calling spmd.

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Answers (1)

sam0037 on 14 Apr 2016
As per this documentation link , the body of an spmd statement cannot define an anonymous function. However, it can reference an anonymous function by means of a function handle.
For example consider the following code where the anonymous function is declared outside spmd block and is referred to successfully inside the spmd block with its handle 'f'.
f = @(x) sin(x);
sum = 0;
for i = 1:10
sum = sum+ f(i);

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