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How to fit to part of plot and extrapolate, all on the same plot

1 view (last 30 days)
I would like to fit an exponential curve to a part of my data, and then extrapolate it on the same data plot, to find where it levels out. To visualise my question see this figure - the dashed V-extrapolated is an exponential fit to part of the data, plotted on the same figure, this is exactly what I want.
The only way I know how to do this, is by creating a separate dataset, which includes the portion of data I want to fit, and then apply fit(xtoFit,ytoFit, expFit). This works, but shows only the fitted part of data, without extrapolation and I do not know how to plot this on my original plot:
How to I combine the two steps to show full data, exponential fit, and its extrapolation, all on single graph?
Any help would be appreciated!
Kuifeng on 13 Apr 2016
%try this function:
help plotyy, %'Graph with Multiple x-Axes and y-Axes'
IJ on 25 Apr 2016
Hi, I tried that, thanks.
The problem is, the fitted data only show at the exact points of fitting. I would like to see the extrapolated rest of this fitted curve on my plot.

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Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Apr 2016
An single exponential function will ‘level out’ at infinity.
The paper refers you to the model in ‘A unified model of CA1/3 pyramidal cells: an investigation into excitability’ Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2011 Mar;105(1-2):34-48. It’s behind a paywall (as is essentially everything Elsevier publishes), so I can’t look at it. I would use and fit that model if you want to fit your data and find its characteristics.


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