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I have DC motor I went apply PID Position Controller for 45 angle

3 views (last 30 days)
Consider the following values for the physical parameters for PITTMAN 9413 motor:
• R: armature resistance= 5.35 Ω • L: armature inductance=3.93 mH • b: motor viscous friction constant = 3.867E-6 • J: Total Moment of Inertia for Motor and Load =8.75e-6 kg.m2 • Kt: motor torque constant=0.0316 Nm/A • Ke: back emf constant=0.0316 Vrad/s • input (V): Source Voltage • output (Theta)
How we can apply the Transfer function and how we can plot the Voltage input with time , Please can you write the MATLAB CODE ??

Answers (1)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 26 Apr 2016


More Answers in the  Power Electronics Control

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