How to flush out all variables before each iteration

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I have 100 iterations, 50~100 variables. I want to flush out all variables before each iteration. I am doing now like variable1=[];variable2=[] ---variable100=[];. But I want to know is there any command which can do this in a single command.
many thanks in advance,
  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 8 May 2016
100 variables! That is a poor way to write code. You should put all of your variables in a structure: this would be easier to manage, and makes tasks like this trivial.

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Accepted Answer

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 8 May 2016
Mekala - why do you have one hundred variables? Can't you use an array or matrix to store all of this data in one convenient variable? For example, if each variable is of the same dimension, say mxn, then you could create an mxnx100 array as
variableData = zeros(m,n,100);
Else, if each variable is of a different dimension, then just use a cell array to store all of this data as
variableData = cell(100,1);
Mekala balaji
Mekala balaji on 8 May 2016
Thanks for your kind help,
In each iteration, I have multiple "for loops" to filter the required data, and also different data. Variable data size is different.
in different loop, data matrix size is different.
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes on 8 May 2016
Since the variable data size is different, then use a cell array or, as Stephen has suggested, a structure.

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More Answers (1)

Ahmet Cecen
Ahmet Cecen on 8 May 2016
Without more information, no way for me to suggest a better way to do this, but check:
clearvars -except VarYouwantToKeep1 VarYouwantToKeep2
assuming you want to flush more variables than you want to keep...


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